Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Thirty First Sunday in Ordinary Time

Hey everyone,

just a reminder that there is a meeting tomorrow
at 5:30pm at SLC 1115
which is our usual meeting room for the rest of the semester now.

Also, tomorrow THE SOURCE
is hapenning at the University of McMaster
and we have been invited (it's from 6-8pm).

The SOURCE is a recurring Adoration-based event at McMaster and this time:  the theme is "Our call, surrendering to God's love". HOW UTTERLY PERFECT. SO nowww we can truly reflect on this week's Gospel, for if we know how to surrender, we are exercising our FAITH, and we are choosing to IMITATE Christ. Fr. Hansoo Park is our amaazing speaker who will further expand on God's ridiculous amount of love for us, and how to surrender to it! (copied shamelessly from a MACSA email)

If enough people are interested we'll send out a delegation from UW :)

This Saturday is the optional memorial of St. Simeon and Jude, the Apostles - hence the picture on the left.

- your exec

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