
The Right Honorable Stephen Harper, P.C., M.P.
Prime Minister of Canada
80 Wellington Street  
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A3
Fax: 613-941-6900
E-mail: pm@pm.gc.ca  http://pm.gc.ca/

October 10th, 2011
Dear Mr. Prime Minister, 

Subject: we urge the Canadian government to Support the Christian protection in Egypt

First I would like to congratulate you for the Canadian Thanksgiving day, Where we all give thanks to the Lord for being citizens of this great country of Canada, where we are all treated equally, none of us is persecuted for any reason, and we are all  practicing our constitutional rights freely without any kind of restrictions, but with full support of the conservative government that we are proud of voting for.

It is my regret to bring to your kind attention while celebrating our precious Thanksgiving Day, the sad and disappointing events that took place in the State of Egypt on October 9th. when both the military and police armed forces combined to attack peaceful protesters demanding their right to live, to exist and to practice their faith without being killed, or threatened, or persecuted.

The armed troops used heavy equipment and army vehicles to ... crush ... the peaceful human protesters, which resulted in severe casualties among them - death toll is 29 and increasing, injuries are 272 so far - and in order to avoid international criticism, the official media gave false statements about the violent christian protesters starting the riot, the story that was denied by all international reporters covering the events.

To prove this, I'm attaching a link to international website of CNN :
Where it clearly states that :
" Egyptian security sources said there was violence at the rally, with stones being thrown, but CNN saw no evidence of that."

In addition, I'm attaching to you horrible pictures taken by international media channels for the innocent victims crushed by military vehicles and tanks, only because they were asking for their right .... to exist.

As the European Union ministers expressed alarm and said the authorities had a duty to protect religious minorities not only in Egypt, but in the entire Islamic Middle Eastern countries, we look forward to the official Canadian act towards supporting taking the issue to international justice as it clearly appears to be a WAR-CRIME committed by armed troops against peaceful and unarmed civilians.

For that, I urge you and the entire Canadian government to do something to support and protect the "remaining alive" Christians in Egypt.
     * Could you please help in declaring International Protection to religious minorities in the Middle East and particularly Egypt ?
     * Could you please help in bringing up the Christian and other religions minorities files to International Justice ?
     * Could you please help in Establishing an office to receive complaints about the human rights of minorities in Canadian Embassies      located in the Middle East and Muslim countries ?
     * Could you please help in putting pressure on Egyptian Military and government to stop supporting the fanatical and radical     Muslim an their cooperation with Saudi Arabia in The persecution of Christians in order to declare Egypt a Christians-Free country     in the near future?

 Mr. Prime Minister,
The Coptic Christian people around the world owe a lot of thanks to Canada, and your government, and the Conservative Party for your courageous position by supporting this Coptic issue.
We have strong hope in you to take stronger steps beyond the stage of condemnation to the stage of alliance building to protect the Copts and all the Christian minorities in Middle Eastern countries, which will alleviate some of the pain and the grief due to Islamic persecution, which is a daily occurrence.

I hope to hear from your honor at your earliest time regarding those few inquiries of mine. 

Thank you very much and may the Lord bless you for the good of the nation and humanity

Sincerely Yours;
A Proud Canadian Citizen