Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Points Encounter tomorrow

Hi guys,

Tomorrow, we will have out meeting at 5:30 p.m., as usual, in SLC 1115. It will be our last or second last points encounter from the term, as final exams are starting shortly.

I will also bring some goodies :) So, please, come up !

In Christ,

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

First Sunday of Advent

Hey guys,

I hope you're having a great term!
Just a reminder that there is a Points Encounter tomorrow 5:30-6:30 as usual
in SLC 1115.

Also there is a great opportunity to go listen to a talk by Michael Coren on his books Why Catholics Are Right which will be hapenning at St. Aloysius Church in Kitchener tomorrow 7:30-8:30pm.
Michael Coren is a well-esteemed columnist, televisions host and a Catholic apologist among many other things. 

If you would like to come you can catch a ride with me after he Compass meeting.


Sunday, November 13, 2011

Jesus Week

Hey guys,

guess what? It's that time of the semester again!
  JESUS WEEK    is this week!

Above is a non-exhaustive list of the events of the upcoming week,
and you can find the rest of the info on http://www.campuslift.ca/.

UWCOMPASS is sponsoring the Christianity 101 Q/A Panel 
(Mon 4-6pm) and the Jesus of Nazareth talk (Mon 7-8:30pm)
so it would be great if you could help set-up and take-down these events.

See you there! =D


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Hi all,

Tomorrow, Wednesday, we will have our Compass meeting at 5:30 in room SLC 1115.
You are welcome to come. We will discuss the Gospel reading for the next Sunday and we'll continue our discussion on the topic of Evolution.


Sunday, November 6, 2011

Catholic Church and Evolution

Hi guys,

so evolution was the topic for last week's meeting
and it looks like we'll be continuing with that this week as well.
Here is the paper I was referring to,
hopefully you will find some time to look it over.


PS: The picture on the left is of St. Pius X,
one of the first popes to comment on evolution.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Hi all,

hopefully most of you are through the biggest stack of midterms by now, which I hope went well :)

Today is All Soul's Day and we join our fellow Catholics around the world commemorating all the faithful departed.

Just a reminder, the meeting is at 5:30pm as usual in SLC 1115, and today's topic is the Church's stance on evolution.

Hope to see you here!


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Thirty First Sunday in Ordinary Time

Hey everyone,

just a reminder that there is a meeting tomorrow
at 5:30pm at SLC 1115
which is our usual meeting room for the rest of the semester now.

Also, tomorrow THE SOURCE
is hapenning at the University of McMaster
and we have been invited (it's from 6-8pm).

The SOURCE is a recurring Adoration-based event at McMaster and this time:  the theme is "Our call, surrendering to God's love". HOW UTTERLY PERFECT. SO nowww we can truly reflect on this week's Gospel, for if we know how to surrender, we are exercising our FAITH, and we are choosing to IMITATE Christ. Fr. Hansoo Park is our amaazing speaker who will further expand on God's ridiculous amount of love for us, and how to surrender to it! (copied shamelessly from a MACSA email)

If enough people are interested we'll send out a delegation from UW :)

This Saturday is the optional memorial of St. Simeon and Jude, the Apostles - hence the picture on the left.

- your exec

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Hi guys,

I hope midterms are going well for everyone :)

Just a reminder that there our weekly meeting - Points Encounter is tomorrow at 5:30pm in SLC 1115.
(we have a room booked, yay!)

Hope to see you there!


P.S.: Today is the feast day of St. Luke the Evangelist, pictured on the left.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Midterm Break

Hey guys,

I hope midterm studying is going well,
and that you're not too stressed out (or sick!)

There will be no meeting this week,
on account of all the sorts of studying going on,
so I wish you good luck with that.:P

Also, the situation in Egypt I mentioned on Thanksgiving
is getting worse, so please consider singing and sending the following letter to our Prime Minister Harper.

God bless and peace of Christ be with you!


Monday, October 10, 2011

Coptic Unrest

Hey guys,

I hope you're having a blessed Thanksgiving!

We have many things to thank God for, one of which is the (relatively okay) religious freedom we enjoy in Canada.
Our Christian brothers in Egypt are not so fortunate.
After trying to hold a peaceful protest after the burning of a Coptic Church,
they were attacked by angry mobs and later the Egyptian military,
leaving at least 24 people dead.

I urge you to please include our Coptic Christian brethren in your prayers!

Here is one of the articles on the recent developments.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Eucharistic Adoration

"Adoration will heal our Church and thus our nation and thus our world... Adoration touches everyone and everything... [because it touches the Creator, Who touches everything and everyone]... When we adore, we plug into infinite dynamism and power. Adoration is more powerful for construction than nuclear bombs are for destruction." - Peter Kreeft, philosopher at Boston College
“The greatest love story of all time is contained in a tiny white Host.” – Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
The Laurier Catholic Club organizes weekly Adoration on Thursdays from 7:00-8:00pm followed by studying the YOUCAT from 8:00-9:00pm, in the Lutheran Seminary Chapel (there are no other Catholic chapels at WLU). The topic this week will be the first chapter of the YOUCAT.

P.S.: For those of you who have been on our mailing list for a while, you can check out our new blog here.

Weekly Meetings

Hey guys,

so after your responses came in about your availability,
we found the best time to have the weekly Points Encounters.

drumroll please... lol

Wednesday 5:30pm-6:30pm

That means the first meeting is tomorrow! :D

Please meet at 5:20pm at Turnkey Desk and we'll go to the meeting room from there.

-your exec team

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Welcome back to school everyone!

I'm sure you're all super excited :P

Just a heads up that this Thursday and Friday are Clubs Days so come out for a chat.

Also, we are having an exec meeting tomorrow (Monday) at 5pm, if you're interested in leadership roles please feel welcome to come. We meet at turnkey and go from there so please be on time.

That's it for now, all the best into the new school year! :D

Your fellow servant of God,


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Hello World

So this will be the new Compass website, now running on Blogger, hopefully that means we won't be taken down again.