Monday, April 2, 2012

I have no doubt whatsoever that God.

I have no doubt whatsoever that God. That's right it's not a typo. 'That God what?' you might ask, but I say the verb is already in there, within God Himself.

Now, what I really mean to say might be translated as I have no doubt whatsoever that God IS or I have no doubt whatsoever that God EXISTS, in modern philosophically deprived English. But these sentences are redundant, like saying existence exists or light shines. Of course, existence exist and light shines, they can't help but be what they are.

The same applies to YHWH - "I Am That I Am". God doesn't happen to exist making all of us theists unfortunately correct (OMG the reality of sin anyone?), God is the source of existence - the reason that reality IS is God. As St. John the Apostle astutely points out in the first chapter of his gospel "In the beginning was [Logos], and [Logos] was with God, and [Logos] was God." What St. John is doing in this one line of Holy Spirit inspired brilliance is linking the past 500 years (for John) of state-of-the-art Greek philosophy which identified the source of existence with Logos - Reason to a unique individual in human history - Jesus Christ, God incarnate.

The Greeks stoics realized that Reason, or comprehensibility had to come from somewhere, and if we already know that existence is only possible if there is a first cause  - something which exists because its nature is to exist, then the source of comprehensibility, Reason (with a capital 'R') is the first cause. Hence God = Logos. As I said before, I have no doubt whatsoever that God.

Now, more on the practical side: as my wise friend Thilan pointed out, to build a relationship with someone, we must communicate with them. The more you get to know them the deeper the relationship will be. If you want to know God, you must pray earnestly and often, and the best way to do that is by participating in the Liturgical Life of the Church (for example the Mass and the Liturgy of the Hours.)


Friday, March 2, 2012

Stations of the Cross

Hey guys,
as we enter into the season of Lent in fasting and preparation for Holy Weel, I would like to invite you to participate in the Compass tradition of praying the Stations of the Cross on Lenten Fridays.

During Lent, we have the opportunity to hear voices that are usually lost in the din of pleasure and meaningless talk. We can enter into a private desert even in the midst of the world and face our own demons. We can tear down false idols only to be heartbroken at finding others behind them. If we are brave, we can run through this desert trying to find the real God amid the gods. [source]

Come out to the SJU Chapel at 12:30pm starting this Friday until Easter.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Second Sunday in Lent

Howdy folks!

I hope y'all had yerself a mighty fine 'n restful readin' week! Now, if yer noggin's on and functioning properly ya will know that today we're meeting at 4:30 at the Notre Dame Chapel for a Bible study. YEEE HAW!

And if that's not enough to satisfy those cravings y'all been having for Jesus, let me tell ya Something Beautiful:
the kind folks over at MACSA at McMaster have organized themselves a retreat by the name of Something Beautiful and like the good Compass members we are, we'll be drivin' down to Hamilton this Saturday to join them.

Facebook Link:
Promo Video:

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary time.

Hi guys,
just a reminder that we have our weekly meeting today at 4:30pm in the Notre Dame Chapel joining the Bible study at SJU.
The Gospel reading for the upcoming Sunday is Mark 1:40-45.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Weekly Adoration & Bible/Catechism Study

Hi guys,

I'd like to share that the Laurier Catholic Club hosts a weekly Eucharistic Adoration followed by Bible or Catechism study, every Thursday at 7pm and 8pm respectively.
For me, it was precisely adoration and the sacrament of penance (also available during this time) that were instrumental to my re-version to our holy Catholic faith, Jesus is there you guys and He wants you to talk to Him.

The location is the Lutheran Seminary Chapel on WLU campus.

Monday, January 23, 2012

First Meeting of the Term

Hi guys,

I hope you had a delightful Christmas and New Year!
I know some of you spent the first hour of the year 2012 at Mass, and what better way to start the year than to receive our Lord in the Eucharist? :D

Father Toby is starting a Bible study this semester, focusing on readings for the upcoming Sunday and it would be awesome if Compass would come out and support him.

So, for our first meeting of the term, let's participate in this Bible study tomorrow at 4:30pm in the SJU Notre Dame Chapel.

God bless,
