Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Points Encounter tomorrow

Hi guys,

Tomorrow, we will have out meeting at 5:30 p.m., as usual, in SLC 1115. It will be our last or second last points encounter from the term, as final exams are starting shortly.

I will also bring some goodies :) So, please, come up !

In Christ,

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

First Sunday of Advent

Hey guys,

I hope you're having a great term!
Just a reminder that there is a Points Encounter tomorrow 5:30-6:30 as usual
in SLC 1115.

Also there is a great opportunity to go listen to a talk by Michael Coren on his books Why Catholics Are Right which will be hapenning at St. Aloysius Church in Kitchener tomorrow 7:30-8:30pm.
Michael Coren is a well-esteemed columnist, televisions host and a Catholic apologist among many other things. 

If you would like to come you can catch a ride with me after he Compass meeting.


Sunday, November 13, 2011

Jesus Week

Hey guys,

guess what? It's that time of the semester again!
  JESUS WEEK    is this week!

Above is a non-exhaustive list of the events of the upcoming week,
and you can find the rest of the info on http://www.campuslift.ca/.

UWCOMPASS is sponsoring the Christianity 101 Q/A Panel 
(Mon 4-6pm) and the Jesus of Nazareth talk (Mon 7-8:30pm)
so it would be great if you could help set-up and take-down these events.

See you there! =D


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Hi all,

Tomorrow, Wednesday, we will have our Compass meeting at 5:30 in room SLC 1115.
You are welcome to come. We will discuss the Gospel reading for the next Sunday and we'll continue our discussion on the topic of Evolution.


Sunday, November 6, 2011

Catholic Church and Evolution

Hi guys,

so evolution was the topic for last week's meeting
and it looks like we'll be continuing with that this week as well.
Here is the paper I was referring to,
hopefully you will find some time to look it over.


PS: The picture on the left is of St. Pius X,
one of the first popes to comment on evolution.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Hi all,

hopefully most of you are through the biggest stack of midterms by now, which I hope went well :)

Today is All Soul's Day and we join our fellow Catholics around the world commemorating all the faithful departed.

Just a reminder, the meeting is at 5:30pm as usual in SLC 1115, and today's topic is the Church's stance on evolution.

Hope to see you here!
